About the Red and Tan Nation

Why we're here:
In early 2006, a handful of veterans and patriots identified the need for a motorcycle club that focused on the issues facing today’s Desert Era Veterans. Providing a new identity for a new generation, the Desert Knights established themselves and focused the majority of their efforts on charities supporting our nation’s veterans. (click for more)
In 2011, the national leadership of the Desert Knights MC recognized that many of our service members and veterans ride sport bikes, and because of that were excluded from the Desert Knights brotherhood. So, in order to provide that same support network to these veterans, the first chapter of Desert Riders joined the Red & Tan Nation in late 2017.
In 2017, after observing the struggles so many of our veterans have, we were determined to reach veterans who don’t ride motorcycles. We saw how our support network rescued many of our brothers from suicide attempts, substance abuse, anxiety issues, PTSD-related issues, unemployment, and a number of other social issues that plague the veteran community. Eventually, it became common-place for Desert Knights to hear veterans say, “I wish I had a bike so I could join your brotherhood…” We finally realized we needed to reach these veterans. The national leadership of the Desert Knights MC decided to create a brotherhood that was modeled after the successful principles of the Desert Knights, while combining it with the outreach of a traditional veteran service organization. In early 2018, the first chapter of the Desert Warriors joined the Red & Tan Nation. Why another Veteran's club? (click for more)
Who we are:
The Red and Tan Nation consists of three separate and distinct groups, each with their own function and national leadership. The Desert Knights MC is a traditional veterans-based motorcycle club for American-styled motorcycle riders, while the Desert Riders MC is an identically structured motorcycle club for sport bike riders. The Desert Warriors, organized as a 501(c)19, are the outreach arm of the Red & Tan Nation engineered to provide brotherhood and camaraderie while actively working to improve the condition of the American service member by focusing on veteran issues. All three of these organizations are a tightly-knit brotherhood that provides the camaraderie and esprit de corps that is commonly missing outside of the military.
Who can join:
It’s not necessary to be a military veteran to be a member of the Desert Knights MC or the Desert Riders MC. However, 70% of the club/chapter must be active military, retired military, previous military with a valid DD-214, National Guard, or military reserves. The other 30% may be civilian. Additionally, all members must own, ride and maintain a motorcycle consistent with the respective by-laws of each club.
All brothers of the Desert Warriors must be current, previous, or retired military, to include the National Guard and reserves of any military branch of service. Veterans who have received a dishonorable discharge do not qualify for membership in the Desert Warriors.
Who is my brother?
This question has been put to our club a number of times, and frankly, we find it humorous and annoying that people will attempt to become part of us, but then try to dictate their definitions of terms to us.
Every year, we get some idiot who follows the same crash-and-burn cycle of trying to demand that his service makes him our brother. This really gets a bit old, so before you make yourself look foolish, read this. We have a motto:

We coined this motto for a reason, and it has a meaning to us. If you don’t like our meaning, we’re not particularly concerned
Our Colors:
The club colors are tan and red.
Tan represents the color of the desert and the color of the uniforms worn by American Service Members in the desert environment. Red represents the blood shed by service members and our fellow Americans since the attacks on America in September of 2001.
The scorpion, indigenous to the Middle East, represents the American Service Members’ ferocity, perseverance, and aggressive spirit.
The red dots on the back of the scorpion represent the freedom that has been earned on the backs of the American Service Member through blood and sacrifice.
Held in the pincers of the scorpion are the Southwest Asia Service ribbon and the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary ribbon.
These ribbons represent the efforts of the American Service Members in Operation Desert Storm and the Global War on Terrorism.
While the Desert Knights’ and Desert Riders’ scorpions face to the viewer’s right, the Desert Warriors’ scorpion faces the other direction, to the viewer’s left.
This is to represent the additional outward focus of the Desert Warriors to serve all veterans in need, whether they are part of the Red & Tan Nation or not.
How to join:
Supported Veteran's Charities
Each year, the Red & Tan Nation selects a different veterans organization as our national sponsored charity. We donate the selected charity a minimum of 15% from all net proceeds of our fundraising events, regardless of the primary purpose of the fundraiser. In some cases, we will donate all net proceeds from an event. Our 2024 sponsored charity will be announced in January, 2024. Please check back for details.
Desert Knights MC Chapters
Parent Chapter
Eastern AL
Front Range
New Castle DE
Southern DE
Central FL
Baltimore MD
Carroll County MD
Frederick MD
Western MD
Eastern MO
Central OH
Fairfield County OH
Berks County PA
Chester PA
Leesburg VA
Northern VA
Woodbridge VA
Desert Riders MC Chapters
Howard County MD
Desert Warriors Chapters
Too often, we hear veterans express how they miss the camaraderie and support they had when they were in the military. They don’t identify with the civilian world, and often find themselves resenting the take-it-for-granted, poor-me mentality they encounter outside of the military service. Veterans have an entirely different sense of humor, a take-charge attitude, and an objective approach to life that places results above feelings; this makes them strange to their civilian counterparts. Most of all, in their loneliest of times, veterans wrestle with alligators that civilians will never see, much less, understand. Veterans need veterans. Desert Warriors of the Red and Tan Nation (click to learn more).


Rogue Syndicate Chapters
In the middle of 2018 the Red & Tan Nation met Rogue Syndicate Car Club, understanding that the missions, ideologies, and sense of Brotherhood were identical, they started developing a bond. Like the Riders, the Red & Tan Nation recognized that there were more service members and veterans that do not ride any form of motorcycle but were highly involved with cars as that brought them together as Brothers. In mid 2019 Rogue Syndicate Car Club officially patched into the Red & Tan Nation.
Rogue Syndicate Car Club of the Red & Tan Nation (click to learn more).

Red and Tan Nation Events and Rides
Contact the Red and Tan Nation
Send a Message
To contact the Red and Tan Nation, send an e-mail through the contact form, with the Knight, Rider, Warrior, or Officer's name in the subject line, and we'll be in touch.